Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

In the context of international tensions, the German State Theatre Timisoara reprises Europe

15 January 2024

The German State Theatre Timisoara invites the audience to Europa by David Greig, directed by Alexandru Mihăescu. The performance will take place on Friday 19 January 2023, starting at 7.30 pm.

In view of the situations in Ukraine and the Middle East, which have generated humanitarian crises and forced hundreds of thousands of people to become refugees, the German Theatre has decided to revive David Greig's Europa, directed by Alexandru Mihăescu. The production is a true-to-life reconstruction of the emotional and psychological journeys of those fleeing war, as well as the social and political conflicts experienced by all those forced to leave the safety of familiar places behind and rebuild their lives far from home and loved ones.

We believe it is important for GSTT audiences to stay in touch, through the performances we produce, with the reality of the times in which we live - filtered through the experience and judgement of the directors we work with, and the artistic team, who thus assume the role that theatre must play in the community - (and) that of generating a clear and balanced perspective on contemporary events.

The performance takes place in a railway station in a small border town in Europe. With the last train stopping before the station closes because it has become unusable, Morocco, a small-time luxury goods dealer, arrives in town, along with two refugees - Sava and Katia - in search of shelter and safety. Adele, a local station worker, fascinated by the freedom of refugees, wishes she could explore the world like them. A love story takes shape, and the dramatic text builds on the tragedy of horizonlessness and unfulfilled desires, as well as revealing stereotypes of the refugee image. David Greig deals with the complex theme of fluid borders and shifting identities, giving a particularly compelling dramatic quality to the powerful symbol of the empty station and the trains speeding through it. Europe depicts people constantly on the move, physically and emotionally, some of them painfully anchored in the certainties of the past, others striving to set off for new destinations. Europa is a production that deals with universal themes and at the same time is permeated with intimate overtones.

With: Franz Kattesch, Ioana Iacob, Silvia Török, Rareș Hontzu, Harald Weisz, Daniela Török, Radu Brănici, Richard Hladik.

Sets and costumes: Ioana Popescu • Make-up: Bojita Ilici • Light Design: Lucian Moga (invitat) • Sound Design: Uțu Pascu (invitat) • Assistant Director: Oana Vidoni • Technical Direction: Ovidiu Radu.


or at the GSTT ticket agency.

We look forward to seeing you at Europa!

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