Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

SEXes/AXes - The Furies & The Great War

With the support of:
Timişoara City Council


Media partners:

Şapte seri
Radio Timişoara
24 Fun
TVR Timişoara
Zile şi Nopţi
Radio România Cultural

In 1920s America, there was the belief that the first world war will be the one to put an end to all wars. Great naivety, as we well know today, since the war goes on with even greater impetus, both on a political and a personal level. For example, in the living room of the Man and Woman of "The Great War", who argue over the formalities of divorce.  Apart from the division of assets, the main question is: who gets to keep the children? The surprise is that neither parent wants them, which forces them both to resort to even more unorthodox strategies.
Just as unorthodox is Jimmy's behaviour in "The Furies" – after a bicker with his girlfriend, Paula, he brings his sister, Jamie, to the reconciliation session. Her whispers, doubts and reprimands sabotage any chance left for reconciliation, even if Paula has been waving the white flag for quite some time. How much of this love is brotherly love and how much of it is sick love? Also sickening, but in a more amusing and lighter tone, is the relationship between the two young people from the first part of the play, who tell on a detached tone the short love story between a serial killer and a young woman eager to experience new things.

Premiere: February 14, 2012, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 01:30


Stage direction
Radu-Alexandru Nica

Set and costumes
Velica Panduru (a.G.)

Vlaicu Golcea

Valerie Seufert (a.G.)

Light-Design / Video
Lucian Moga (a.G.)

Florin Fieroiu


Technical direction
Costinel Stănescu

Assistant scenographer
Andreea Pop

Assistant director
Rareș Hontzu

Press excerpts

