Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Dragoș Buhagiar (a. G.)

He studied at the "Nicolae Grigorescu" Fine Arts Academy in Bucharest. After college graduation, he worked as a scenographer with various theatres in Bucharest. Between 1997 and 2000 he worked as an associate professor at the Bucharest Theatre and Film Academy. Buhagiar is a member of the Union of Romanian Plastic Artists (U.A.P.) and of the Romanian Association of Theatre Artists (UNITER).

He works with various means and in the most diverse fields of the visual arts. He worked as a scenographer with prominent Romanian directors, such as Silviu Purcărete, Alexandru Dabija, Cătălina Buzoianu and Andrei Şerban. He designed the production of music videos for renowned artists like Evanescence, Ash and The Rasmus, also designing a large number of advertisements. He created commercial posters and banners and organized events and product launches.

Dragoş Buhagiar is the winner of several UNITER awards for scenography. In 2000 he received the Connex Excellency Award for Imagination in Image, and in 2008 the award for the best scenography of the year, offered by the Romanian Department of the International Association of Theatre Critics.

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