Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Helmut Stürmer (a.G.)

HELMUT STÜRMER grew up in Timişoara as well and studied until 1968 at the University of Art and Design in Cluj and in Bucharest. In 1971 he created the scenography for The Stone Wedding, Ulla Wolcz's debut film. Since then he has been invited several times to München and Köln. He immigrated to Germany in 1977. Stürmer continues to be successful as a scenographer at European level, and he is known in Germany especially for the scenographies of various plays. For example, he created the setting for the show Faustus in Sibiu, directed by Silviu Purcărete, and for the show Hamlet at the National Theatre in Cluj, directed by Vlad Mugur. He received the UNITER Award for best scenographer for both works. In 2007 and in 2011, he received the best scenography of the year award from the Hungarian Theatre Critics' Association, for the scenography of the shows Troilus and Cressida (Budapest) and Scapino (Debrecen).

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