Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Ida Jarcsek-Gaza


Born in 1947 in Timișoara, she joined the German State Theatre of Timișoara (GSTT) immediately after graduating from the German acting department of the Institute of Theatre and Film Arts in Bucharest.

She has played numerous roles, including Gretchen in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Urfaust, Yvette in Bertolt Brecht's Mutter Courage (Anna Fierling and her children), Bernarda Alba in Federico García Lorca's The House of Bernarda Alba, Winnie in Samuel Beckett's Happy Days, Mary Tyrone in Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night, Medea in Arpád Göncz's Always the Same Medea and Firs in Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's Cherry Orchard.

From 1992 to 2003 she was a lecturer at the Department of Acting at the Faculty of Music of the West University of Timișoara. From 2003 to 2007 she was the director of GSTT, paying special attention to new forms of theatrical expression and developing contacts with institutions and artists from the German-speaking world.

Throughout her career she has collaborated with many important creators, including Clemens Bechtel, Bocsárdi László, Alexander Hausvater, Yuri Kordonsky, Otto Lang, Răzvan Mazilu, Volker Schmidt and Carmen Lidia Vidu. She has appeared in film and television.

She has received awards such as:

- 1981 - Acting Award at the Oradea Short Theatre Festival, for the role in Osvaldo Dragún's The Story of the Man Who Turned into a Dog

- 1991 - Acting Award at the Oradea Short Theatre Festival for her role in Christine Brückner's Unspoken Words of Unspoken Women

- 1992 - Acting Award at the Bacău Festival for the role in Mereu aceeași Medeea by Arpád Göncz

- 1999 - Acting Award at the International Festival of Studio Theatres, for the role in Samuel Beckett's Happy days

- 2000 - Diploma and Medal of Honour "Stefan Jäger" awarded by the Stefan Jäger Foundation

- 2002 - "Pro Cultura Timisiensis" Prize awarded by the Timis County Council for outstanding merits in the promotion of Timis culture.

- 2004, 2016 and 2019 - Diploma of Excellence awarded by Timisoara City Hall

- 2023 - Award of the Romanian Theatre Union (UNITER) for lifetime achievement


Current performances

Performances archive

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